What is hypnosis and how does it work?

Trance is a natural phenomenon, in reality we spend several hours a day in a state of trance.
Take for example when you are driving a car, as if mechanically, you are then in a modified state of consciousness.

What are the benefits of hypnosis?
By directly bypassing the resistances of the conscious mind and addressing the subconscious, hypnosis allows for lasting and in-depth changes, all gently.

What happens during a session ?

First there is an induction phase, then the therapeutic plateau and the exit from trance. Unlike show hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis is much softer and more permissive. Each protocol and suggestion is carefully chosen to respect the person's ecology.

You will be asked a few questions at the start of the session, or you can send me questions in advance by emailing red@redslittledevil.com.

Here the sessions take place on Zoom, we will discuss a moment before moving on to the session. All you need is headphones and a comfortable place where you are sure not to be disturbed.

The session is structured according to your objective and is adapted to each person.

What are the fields of application?

The range of possibilities is almost endless here! but to give you a small overview of the possible applications here is a list of the topics covered:

Limiting behaviors,
Affective co-dependence, confidence and self-esteem, personal value, work on fears, anxiety...
Weight loss, smoking , various addictions (video games, porn, gambling, etc.), sexotherapy ...
Dream work, lucid dreaming ...
Spiritual hypnosis, extension of the field of consciousness, work of the chakras, past life regression ...
Work with children, bedwetting, nightmares etc.

Don't hesitate to comment and ask more questions, I'll update the article accordingly.



Book your session now!


  • Bonjour, j’ai du mal à communiquer car je ne sais pas m’affirmer. Dès qu’il y a un conflit je me braque et c’est pesant pour moi. L’hypnose mettra-t-il à libérer la parole à mon âme?
    Merci de ta réponse

  • Bonjour Jass,

    Pour une perte de poids cela peut aller de une à trois séances, tout dépend de la personne et de la situation.

    N’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un mail pour plus d’infos à Red@Redslittledevil.com

    Bonne journée!


  • Bonjour combien de séance faut il pour une perte de poids svp ?


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