I loved posing for this series.
It reminds me how sensuality is to a detail, a curve.
The simplicity of a discovered shoulder can have more sensuality than a full nude sometimes. In life too, humility is often the best friend of the biggest persons (in soul not size).
Because we have nothing to prove to others when we are good with ourselves. No need to justify yourself. living in harmony does not mean being systematically happy or calm. It’s a question of balance, of inner peace. It’s being at peace with your choices, your decisions and the path you’ve decided to take in life. Because darkness is necessary to bring out light; we must not deny its shadow, on the contrary. I think our dark side makes us better if we know how to use it wisely. I was talking about temptation the other night with someone (who will surely recognize if he reads me). I do not think that Man is made to live captive, but I think that what differentiates us from the animal is also knowing how to resist our impulses. To know how to say no and to put a stop when it is necessary, when the morality is stronger than the freedom of the gesture. This is especially freedom .. Not to be prey to our passions but to know how to control ourselves to be in agreement with our values.
And you, what makes you happy?