How about leaving a woman alone for once? We are allowed to be everything.
We are allowed to be sexy and smart. We are allowed to be shy and funny.
We are allowed to dress as we see fit.
We are allowed to dance without getting groped.
We are allowed to live our lives without being guilty of walking around with a vagina between our legs.
But we are also allowed to be free without the judgment of our own sisters.
Yet how many of you, my queens, Will not take the time to read my words and will spill their venom as they will focus on the picture instead of the message.
to me it’s OK I’m not afraid of being hated I know who I am I know where I’m going and there is no one that can make me doubt myself. I don’t look for anybody’s validation but mine. I am not perfect, thank god! Perfection is an illusion of the mind, you fall in love with the flaws, The little details.
Remember that a women’s beauty will never take away yours, don’t let any men make you hate your sisters. We already have enough battle as it is.
To all of my witches and queens (and of course it works for men as well my amazing little devils)