My dear little devils,
Tonight I wanted to talk to you about happiness. 
We all have to deal with a lot of things… maybe too much. I really don’t think that social media is helping as it provides an endless mean of a comparison. Why is she so thin? Why is her skin so smooth? Why does he have so many muscles? Why do they seem so happy when I am a mess ?
It became a crazy race for a perfect life.
I truly believe that comparing yourself to another person will only bring you frustration and pain.
when you start envying someone, you need to stop for a minute and ask yourself: what is it about that person that strikes me? What makes me uncomfortable with myself? Can I work on it?
they always say find the courage to Accept the things I cannot change and find the strength to work on the things that I can.. very easy to say isn’t it?

I think that happiness is like a discipline you need to work on it every day. Be mindful not mind full. We are juggling with so many things at the same time, work, aesthetics, social life… do you take even a few minutes a day to be with yourself?
To look in your soul mirror instead of the mirror for selfies..
Rome wasn’t built in a day, your new you won’t either.
It takes time, patience and Perseverance. But I think the most difficult part is that it takes tenderness… you need to treat yourself with the same respect you would expect someone to treat you.. or even more.
no you are not the same person that you were yesterday and that is OK. You are also not the same person that you will be tomorrow.
in order to create a new you you need to treat yourself with love otherwise you will only create an illusion.
Growth and enlightenment are most often achieved in a world of pain. Only when you walked through the gates of hell will you be able to create your own heaven. Don’t give up my little devils, there will be many obstacles along this road. The only thing that will change is not the difficulties but the way you handle them.
Your stairway to heaven will be climbed one step at a time.

Growth and enlightenment are most often achieved in a world of pain. Only when you walked through the gates of hell will you be able to create your own heaven. Don’t give up my little devils, there will be many obstacles along this road. The only thing that will change is not the difficulties but the way you handle them.
Your stairway to heaven will be climbed one step at a time.

The first step is admitting that you’re only human, that your flaws don’t define you but that they are also A part of yourself.
Everybody has something they struggle with, and if they don’t they just haven’t realized it yet.
It seems endless doesn’t it? Well not really… getting in touch with your demons is a journey that will make you see the world in a different way.
Be gentle with yourself, this is not a race against other human beings. It is not a race at all. You cannot run from it (take it from a fellow jogger), your peace is priceless and it does not matter how long it takes you to love yourself all that matters is that you keep on trying even when you feel even when you fall down.

I cannot remember where I read this but someone was talking about how we applaud a babie’s first step and we do not judge him when he falls on his butt  well it is the same for you.
Success is just the result of many many attempts that failed. Do not give up.

My little devils I am so proud of all of you. I am so grateful for all the support, all the messages. I am sorry if it takes me longer to answer these days but I have been working on this website to keep this dialogue going. You are all precious to me and I feel very lucky to have such a beautiful community, you are a blessing.



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